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Tuition & Policies


Stay informed on changes & updates by reading the monthly newsletter. 


General Information


Our dance season runs from September – June with an annual performance at the end of our season. Dance education is a commitment from both students and parents. Our dancers learn a great deal of technique in the first half of the season and begin to learn their performance routines in January. Enrollment and transferring classes close for the season on November 1st. This allows our classes to continue to grow together at their appropriate level and eliminates late enrollees from feeling discouraged about starting lessons later than their classmates. There is a minimum of 4 dancers per class. If there are fewer than 4 dancers enrolled in a class, we will ask you to move to a day/time that best fits both your needs and the needs of our school.


Fees & Discounts


There is a $30 non-refundable yearly (July-June) registration/insurance fee per student.


Dropping a class after December 1st results in a $25 Drop Fee. Details below. 


Enroll in one dance class – you pay the full tuition amount monthly. Each additional dance class is 10% off.


Tuition Fees


30 minute class: $65/mo

45 minute class: $67/mo

1 hr class: $70/mo


We require every family to have a credit card on file that will be automatically charged for their tuition on the 1st of every month October-June. (September is paid in full at the time of registration). Tuition must be paid on or before the first of the month. The second week of non-payment each month will result in a non-refundable late fee of $20 that will be added to your account. Tuition must be paid on time before a dancer is allowed to continue class participation. Classes meet once per week. Registration fees, tuition payments, costume fees, and recital fees are non-refundable. September’s tuition is due at the time of registration. If your dancer may need new dance shoes for September, please visit one of our open houses/registrations to have your dancer sized for shoes to ensure their shoe order is placed before classes begin in September. Those interested in any level of Dance Team must have current (tap & ballet) experience, and all team members are by invitation/recommendation of the director only.

We always begin our students in their current age group. However, during the month of September, our instructors will evaluate each dancer’s ability and may suggest a more suitable/advanced level for a dancer. We strive to always encourage our students to work hard and feel proud of their accomplishments.


Drop Fee


In the matter of dropping classes completely and not finishing the dance season, it is mandatory to send an email requesting to drop the class prior to the first of the next month. Dropping after November 25th results in a $25 drop fee. There are no refunds to your monthly tuition regardless of the date of dropping a class. You must drop before the first of the month to avoid the auto-pay for the next month.


Student Check In


We have a policy that each child needs to be checked in at the desk by an adult. Our Creative Movement & Pre-School Ages students: ages 2-5 years old must have a parent stay in the check-in area, quietly, in case your child needs to use the restroom. Our staff cannot take students to the restroom. All other parents must leave the facility. There is no observing of classes or sitting in the check-in area. This will avoid great distraction to our staff and students on our open floor. Our check in procedure is for the safety of your child as well as the opportunity to address any tuition issues or questions we may have. Checking in allows us to avoid posting late fees if we have a problem with a credit card on file. We can rectify an account issue in a timely manner and avoid unnecessary fees.


Observation/Performance Days


We will have 1 Observation/Performance week in October, January, and March throughout the dance season. During these weeks, the last 10 minutes parents, friends, & family may come and watch their dancer “perform” what they have been learning. Cameras and Videos ARE allowed! This is a very exciting day for the dancers and gives them great practice having an audience and preparing for our recital. *Dancers must wear any World Class Dance apparel on all observation days.


Proper Dance Attire/Shoes


Dancers are required to wear WORLD CLASS DANCE APPAREL! Tights must be worn with leotards or bike shorts. Acro & Cheerleading classes are the only exception for bare legs. WCD Leggings or sweatpants are acceptable for nonballet classes. Jeans, school/play clothes, dress/skirts and jewelry are NOT permitted. Long hair should be pulled back and off the face. Proper dance shoes must be worn and purchased through World Class Dance. Write your dancers name inside all their dance shoes, and their belongings




All performers will have to purchase 1 costume for each class, performance tights and a performance shirt. Costume payments are due no later than December 15th. Costumes are ordered over Holiday break. Dancers will be sized during class the first week in December. Costumes are non-refundable and fees do not include any possible alterations. Costumes are ordered larger than measured to ensure room for growth and are always appropriate for children/teens! Dancers will also be required to wear their performance shirts to our mandatory finale/recital rehearsals.


Keeping Connected


Our monthly newsletters provide important information about our school; such as important dates, reminders, deadlines, special events, performances and more. A Hard Copy will be posted on our information board at the studio, emailed to you (please make sure we have your email updated) as well as on our website ( Make sure to “Like” us on Facebook for the most up to date information. We strive to keep connected with all of our families. Please speak to your instructor or our desk staff if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or anything you believe is important for us to know about your dancer. (shy, scared, personal/family struggles…). Knowing a little bit about our dancers is always helpful in how we interact with our students individually.


Closings, Make Ups, & Attendance


If Shenendehowa Central Schools are closed due to inclement weather conditions then all morning and afternoon classes will be canceled. Check our website and Facebook (Social Media) to see if evening classes (4pm and later) will be cancelled or if we will be open. There are NO make- up classes for inclement weather.


There are NO dance make up classes for a student’s absence. Each class is at a different level and learns different choreography. If an INSTRUCTOR is unable to provide a substitute teacher, then that instructor will provide a makeup class and provide you with a date and time that does not interfere with regular scheduled classes.


In order to participate in the recital, attendance is crucial after January. It is at the discretion of the director to decide if a dancer who has missed multiple classes can participate in the recital. Recital costume fees, etc. are non-refundable.


Health Guidelines


We have added the necessary guidelines & policies to ensure a happy, healthy environment for everyone. Please discuss and review these new policies with your dancer and consider if your dancer is able to adhere to our physical distancing and safety policies prior to registration.


Any student who develops Cold Flu like symptoms please do not attend class. If a child did not attend school, they should not attend activities.

  • Only Dancers & Staff are permitted in the facility. Check in/out will be set up at the front door.
  • Prompt check in & Pick up are required. Dancers are to arrive no more then 10 minutes prior to class instruction.
  • Dancers will place their belongings in a cubby. All Outside shoes on tray. NO OUSIDE SHOES PERMITTED ON DANCE FLOOR
  • There is NO Water fountain, so please bring a labeled water bottle.
  • Our studio is cleaned thoroughly each day.
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